Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Slovenia Gets Tough Anti-Smoking Legislation

"Smokers in Slovenia are facing tighter restrictions this summer as the National Assembly on Friday passed amendments to the anti-smoking act in a 45:13 vote. The law means Slovenia is joining a growing number of EU countries with tough anti-smoking laws.

When the act takes effect in August, smoking in indoor public and work places will be allowed only in areas where employees cannot be exposed to second-hand smoke.
Exemptions to the general smoking ban include open public areas, special smoking hotel rooms, special smoking areas in elderly care centres and jails, and special smoking rooms in bars and other work places.
The smoking rooms, which will have to meet strict technical standards, will however not be allowed to occupy more than 20% of an establishment.
The age for buying cigarettes has been raised from 15 to 18. Shops will have to check the age of buyers, as is the case with alcohol, while persons who sell tobacco products have to be at least 18."

Source: GCO

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