Sunday, July 22, 2007

Give us our house back Heather

"It is early spring, and Heather Mills, the estranged wife of Sir Paul McCartney, falls in love with a timber mountain lodge overlooking a serene and beautiful blue-green lake in Slovenia.

She decides to add it to her ever-expanding property portfolio, and her £400,000 offer is readily accepted.

The sale runs smoothly, unimpeded by the usual obstacles that beset buying property abroad, probably because the previous occupant is the country's president.

Sensing a tourism-boosting coup, a senior Slovenian government official even goes on TV to announce details of the deal. Everyone, it seems, is happy. Not quite.

Enter Dana Stankovic, an 84-year-old widow who lives in Cornwall – and whose father built the house in 1937.

Mrs Stankovic reveals how the house still belongs to her family, how it was never the Slovenian government's to sell – and how her lawyers have now served notice on Ms Mills that they will fight to get it back.

"We had to abandon the house when the Second World War broke out," explained Mrs Stankovic.

"Then it was appropriated in turn by the Nazis, the Communists and the Slovenian government.

"And now this Mills woman – I had never heard of her until last week – has got her hands on it. But my family are the rightful owners.

"We've never sold it and now we want it back."

Source: Daily Mail

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